About the Reality of Unseen Illnesses blog


Hi, My name is Lauren Steel,

Some of you may know me and some of you may not. This is a picture of me, one of the better one’s anyways. When you look up at this picture what do you see? A girl smiling? clean, healthy skin? This girl in the picture looks 100% healthy right?


This girl, me, Lauren suffers from many invisible illnesses such as Hypothyroidism, Abdominal Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment Disorder (Acne) for short, and just recently a Pelvic inflammatory disease. All of these invisible illnesses cause crippling chronic pain, the chronic pain can be so bad sometimes that it is a struggle for me to get myself up out of bed every morning and having to spend all my disability pension money on medical tests or prescriptions. What kind of a life is that for anyone? Let alone a 22 year old? and no this blog will not be used for complaint but more so for information or educational purposes. I know there are many people worse off than me , living with Cancer, or in severe poverty and there is awareness about that. I wish to make a change in this world, a change for people like me, I will stand up and be an advocate for unseen/ invisible illness that are not just in Mental Health, but also in the chronic pain department or every other part of unseen illnesses that do not get the education they deserve. It’s time to stop doctors and other medical health professionals from telling us that “it is all in our head” because they do not have the education and awareness necessary and accessible to them and to stop stereotyping us and putting us in the “too hard” basket.

Lets make a change!

I have learnt a lot since being diagnosed with different things from the age of fourteen, throughout this blog i shall go through my different illnesses one at a time.

If you too have a story about the reality of your unseen illness that you would like to share please  email to : thatsteelmedia@gmail.com

and i shall share your story on this blog.


Lauren x